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Wish Wellness Gift Bag Drive

Wish Wellness Gift Bag Drive

In December 2021, Shelley Klassen and the team have organised a donation drive to deliver WISH Wellness Gift Bags to the WISH Drop-In Centre Society.

The WISH Drop-In Centre Society is located in the Downtown Eastside and offers a safe place of respite to homeless women without judgement. To learn more about WISH Drop-In Centre Society click here.

We reached our goal of delivering 100+ WISH Wellness Gift Bags to the WISH Drop-In Centre Society filled with donations of gently used or new donations of warm clothing, beauty and wellness products, and any prepackaged food items.

Because of our client's continuous and kind support with donations and volunteering to help with packaging the bags we made a positive impact on homeless women this holiday season. Also, we would like to thank our amazing sponsors: Eddie's Hang Up who supplied the gift bags and wrapping tissues, and Max Hydration for providing us with max hydration sticks in variety of flavors.

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